
Autodesk Developer Network: Oh my..Maya is Qt!

Kristine Middlemiss, Autodesk

Специально для разработчиков, программирующих для Maya, компания Autodesk организует полуторачасовой тренинг. Он будет посвящен использованию Qt для разработки новых типов пользовательского интерфейса для Maya. Тренинг будет проходить на английском языке с переводом.

This session introduces you to the brand new user interface (UI) inside of Autodesk Maya which uses the Qt framework by Nokia.

One of the core components of a games pipeline is customization, studios create tools and workflows each a little differently within their pipeline to best optimize the software. Partnered side by side, the customizations your require need equally important user interfaces, which in addition need to be customized, and this can now be done with ease using Qt.

The session will focus on getting started with Qt both from an artist and a programmer level, while showing some hands on samples of the power of Qt in additional to showing more complex samples of how to work with Qt. Such specific topics will be:

  • Looking at the reasoning for Autodesk introducing Qt into Maya, as well as the history.
  • A Close examination on what is available in the Maya API and MEL to work with Qt directly.
  • Now using Qt Designer, an application provided by Nokia, you can quickly create interactive complex UI inside of Maya for your games pipelines when time is of the essence for tools. This tool uses a drag and drop widget with minimal coding, we will go for though a useful sample for your pipeline.
  • A Couple practical real-time examples of using Qt in Maya:
  • Changing the New Dark Maya color scheme, to something outrageous or something more company specific, etc.
  • Customizing the UI with Qt, Docking Features and moving UI around.
  • Examine the C++ SDK of how to create and access UI handles
  • Create a functional example of a Qt window.
  • Since this functionality is completely new in Maya, no presentations have been done on Maya and Qt yet at GDC.


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